domingo, mayo 19, 2024
Health and Safety

Issste submits care and service procedures to national and international standards

#InstitutoDeSeguridadYServiciosSocialesDeLosTrabajadoresDelEstado.- The Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (Issste) submits care and service procedures to national and international standards in order to provide better care with efficiency and professionalism to its beneficiaries, informed Lili Rocío Becerril García, Deputy Coordinator for Strategic Development of the Regulatory Directorate for Supervision and Quality.

During her participation in the «Workshop on Policies for the Management of Quality and Safety in Care», organized by the Ministry of Health», she pointed out that the policies for the management of quality and safety in care carried out at Issste are divided into two areas: the implementation of the eight Essential Patient Safety Actions (AESP) and the Certification of services in compliance with the NMX-9001:2015 of the Quality Management System.

The eight AESPs are: correctly identifying patients, improving effective communication, improving the safety of high-risk medications, correct procedures, reducing the risk of healthcare-associated infections, reducing the risk of patient harm from falls, recording near misses, adverse and sentinel events, as well as measuring patient safety culture.


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